
Medicali Bong

Damn... That about sums it up

Friday, March 23, 2012

Titty Bong

That's right gentlemen, a titty bong. Enjoy

Halo Bong

Somebody put that beautiful master chief helmet to work.

Zombie Doctor Bong

First and foremost, Zombies are awesome, and this bong is awesome. The bowl is a zombie head brain, great for any fan of zombies such as myself.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Guitar Bong

Unfreakingbelievable! He made his guitar into a bong, innovation at it's finest.

And here's the video of the Genius!

Alien smoking out of bong Bowl Piece

Alien Smoking out of a bong bowl piece, he even has a little ray gun, badass rating: 10

Kneeling Woman Pipe

A kneeling woman pipe, and you smoke out of her ass. If your into that kinda thing, haha.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Buda Bong

Does this mean I am going to come back as a turtle or something? haha Buddhism

Double Bowl Pipe

You know your a stoner when your loading up your double bowled pipe

Zerg Bong

If you like Starcraft you know what a Zerg Bong means.

Zombie Arm Pipe

Could it get anymore awesome, toking up out of a zombie arm pipe, 28 days later, still smoking out of a zombie arm pipe.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Space Lab Bong

This is like smoking through a giant crazy straw. I show nothing less than awesome.

Aqua Abyss Pipe

Pretty brutal looking pipe, those spikes are intense and the colors make me think of the ocean.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Colorful Naked Chick Pipe

This pipe is hot, great features, plus it's simply a hot lady and you smoke out of it, how much better can it get?

Full Pipe Collection

A stoner's dream pipe collection, all in one. Are you a real collector?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Badass Orange Bubbler

This Bubbler looks amazing, I would make people pay me to smoke out of this pipe if it were mine.

8 Ball Pipe

Playing pool is fun, especially when your getting blazed from this 8 ball pipe.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Chat Box

Awesome Pipes has officially added a chat box, tell us what you think about it

Lego Bong

A bong made of legos, these home-made bongs never cease to impress me

Kravin Glass Dragon Head

Another great pipe from Kravin Glass, very unique dragon head pipe, thumbs up.

Amazing Red and Blue Claw Sherlock

Sexy design, you'd look hot just smoking out of this Sherlock.

Gorgeous Red Glass Bubbler

Amazing Bubbler design, made by Schmitz Glass.

Geoff The Green Alien Pipe

He's green, he's an alien, and you toke up out of his head!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Glow In The Dark Mushroom Bong

Okay, first off, it glows in the dark, second, it's a mushroom, third, it's a bong, can't go wrong with something like this.

Pot Leaf Bong

Smoke pot out of pot, GENIUS, no one will suspect your smoking weed, I swear officer it's just tobacco!